Mock Job Application
Mock Job Application
Application Form
VET Course Application
Applicant Details
Medical and Emergency Contact
Application Details
Travel Requirements
Travel Details
Current application status
Applicant Details
Your Name (Student)
Street Address
Student's Phone Number (optional)
Student's Email
Please use your school-issued email address.
USI Number
You must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) number to enrol in a VET course. See for more information. Your USI number is a combination of 10 letters and numbers.
Student's date of birth
DD slash MM slash YYYY
What is your preferred pronoun?
Are you Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?
Yes, Aboriginal
Yes, Torres Strait Islander
Yes, Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander
Prefer not to say
Medical and Emergency Contact Information
In this section, you are asked to provide information that is necessary for your personal well-being and safety. Your information will be held confidentially and managed according to all government privacy policy requirements. If you have a known or diagnosed condition for which your school requires a medical action plan e.g. Asthma, Epilepsy, Anaphylaxis, Eczema, Diabetes, allergies or any other condition which may require an emergency response, your school will be required to send a copy of your medical action plan or relevant information to the appropriate Registered Training Organisation with whom you are enrolling.
Do you have a diagnosed or known medical condition?
Application Details
At which school are you currently enrolled?
Select your school
Ararat College
Balmoral Community College
Birchip P-12 College
Dimboola Memorial Secondary College
Edenhope College
Goroke P-12 College
Holy Trinity Lutheran College, Horsham
Hopetoun P-12 College
Horsham College
Horsham College Alternate Pathways
Horsham Special School
Kaniva College
Marian College
Murtoa College
Nhill College
Rainbow P-12 College
Stawell Secondary College
St Brigid’s College, Horsham
Warracknabeal Secondary College
Not enrolled in a listed school
School year level in 2025
In which school year level will you be in 2025?
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
What do you intend studying in 2025?
Year 10
Some VET subjects allow for a scored assessment in the second year of the course which can contribute to a VCE study score. Please consult with your VET Coordinator if you think you would like a scored assessment.
You have indicated that you will be studying VCE. Some VET subjects allow for a scored assessment which can contribute to your Study Score. A Study Score is used if you are completing VCE and want the VCE VET subject score to count as part of your overall VCE result. This score is only available in the second year of a course and can provide a unit 3, unit 4 sequence. This is relevant if you are planning to go to university and need an ATAR. If your chosen course offers a scored assessment, the option to choose to have a scored assessment will appear after you select your course. If you do not see the scored assessment option, a scored assessment is not available for your chosen course.
VET Course Year Level
In which year level do you wish to enrol? You can only enrol in a second-year course if you have successfully completed the first year of that course.
First Year VET Course
Second Year VET Course
First Year Courses
Select the course you wish to apply for.
Choose a Course
Certificate II in Agriculture
Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
Certificate II in Building and Construction
Certificate III in Community Services
Certificate II in Cookery
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care (partial completion)
Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start)
Certificate II in Engineering Studies
Certificate II in Equine
Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways
Certificate II in Health Support Services
Certificate III in Information Technology
Certificate II in Music Industries
Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship)
Certificate II in Salon Assistant
Certificate III in Screen and Media
Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation
Ready for Work Program (Short Course - Non Certificate)
Certificate II in Hospitality (Taster)
Second Year Courses
Select the course you wish to apply for.
Choose a course
Certificate II in Agriculture
Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
Certificate II in Building and Construction
Certificate III in Community Services
Certificate II in Cookery
Certificate III in Early Childhood Care & Education
Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start)
Certificate II in Engineering Studies
Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways
Certificate II in Health
Certificate III in Information Technology
Certificate II in Plumbing (Pre-apprenticeship)
Certificate II in Music Industries
Certificate II in Salon Assistant
Certificate III in Screen and Media
Certificate III in Sport, Aquatics and Recreation
Scored Assessment
Do you require a scored assessment for your course? If you are unsure, please speak to your school VET Coordinator.
Travel Requirements
Free transport arrangements are in place for students to travel to Horsham from areas across the Wimmera. If transport is available from your area, the pick-up point will be listed in the drop-down box if you select 'Yes' below. Please note some services are public access.
Do you intend to travel by public transport to get to Horsham?
Bus Pick-up Point
Transport to Horsham is available from the following pick-up points. If you intend travelling to Horsham by bus please select your pick-up point.
Select your bus pick-up point
Goroke/Miga Lake
Bus to Longerenong
The VET course you have chosen may be delivered at Longerenong College. Do you intend to travel from Horsham to Longerenong by public bus?
You have almost completed application to the Wimmera and Southern Mallee VET Cluster. You will be required to also complete a formal enrolment with your Registered Training Organisation once acceptance into the course is confirmed. Before you submit your application, you must read and agree to abide by the Code of Conduct. You will also need to ensure a Parent/Guardian e-signs the Parent Consent below in order to complete and submit this application. If you can not do this at this time, you can save this form and continue later. When you 'save and continue later' a link will be sent to the email address you provided in this application form. You can use this link to return to this form at any stage. Please ensure to complete the form as soon as possible. Late applications may not be accepted.
Code of Conduct
As a participant in a VET course of study;
I shall strive to meet the attendance, participation and work requirements of the VET program
I will notify the VET Coordinator at my home school in advance, if I will be absent from VET for any reason, or first thing in the morning on the day of attendance if I am unwell.
(The VET Coordinator will then advise the respective training provider of such absence)
I will arrange with my VET program trainer to catch up any missed work in my own time
I agree to work cooperatively with other students in the VET Program
I will abide by the VET trainers' rules and rules of the Registered Training Organisation whenever I am on site
I will treat staff, other students and property with respect at all times
I will pay the material costs associated with my VET Program if a material fee is required
I agree to bring all necessary resources, (books, pens, etc) to enable me to participate in the VET program each week and I will dress in
accordance with the dress requirements of the program
I agree to abide by the Registered Training Organisation’s occupational health and safety requirements and will follow directions given by trainers and other staff in the event of an emergency
I acknowledge that my attendance at VET is reported to my home school
I understand that all facilities delivering a VET courses and transportation services are smoke/vape free environments, (including bus stops), and I will refrain from smoking/vaping while in attendance
If required to travel by bus to/from/during my VET program, I will do so in a responsible and considerate manner.
I acknowledge that if I cause problems on the bus, I may be suspended from travelling on the bus for a period determined by my school, in consultation with the bus company and other relevant persons. I am also aware that if suspended from bus travel it is my responsibility to arrange the alternative travel to and from VET for the period of the suspension
The bus driver has authority to designate seats to students and/or to move a student to another seat on the bus
Serious breaches may be referred to the “Transit Safety Division” of Victoria Police for investigation and action
Declaration to be signed by student and parents/guardian
I have read and understand the above Code of Conduct relating to my/the students involvement in VET and agree to follow the conditions set out above. I understand that failure to do so may jeopardise my/the student's place in the VET program and I/the student maybe withdrawn from the program as a result of my/the student's behaviour.
I have read the Student Code of Conduct on this website relating to my involvement in VET and agree to follow the conditions set out in the Code. I understand that failure to do so may jeopardise my place in the VET program and I may be withdrawn from the program as a result of my behaviour.
Student Signature
I declare that the information I have provided in this application form is accurate and a true representation of my intension to study a VET course in 2025 as part of my secondary school studies.
Parent / Guardian Information & Consent
First Parent / Guardian Name
By e-signing below, I declare my understanding that the student named in this application will be undertaking classes away from the school site as part of the VET Delivered to Secondary Students program. (See the VET Cluster Handbook or website for all class venues.) I give permission for the student named to attend the above-mentioned classes. I am aware that the student named will not be supervised by school staff when undertaking classes at the premises of the external provider or travelling to and from the provider. I am aware that no responsibility is accepted by the Principal and staff of the school for the loss, theft or damage of personal property belonging to or in the possession of the student named. I understand that I will be notified as soon as possible in the event of illness or accident to the student named, but where it is impracticable to communicate with me, I authorise the person in charge (or their nominee) at the external provider to administer first aid to the student named, and to consent to the student named receiving such medical and surgical treatment (including the administration of an anaesthetic) as may be deemed necessary by a legally qualified medical practitioner. I accept full responsibility for the payment of fees incurred should the student named require such treatment. I understand that in case of accident or emergency an ambulance will be called and I will be liable for any costs incurred. I give permission for medical and emergency information included on the student named school enrolment to be accessed by the training provider. I have indicated if the student named has a medical condition which may affect the them while at VET and acknowledge that the RTO will be requesting more information from the school about this medical condition and any action plan necessary for the management of the condition. I will alert the school and the external provider if there are any changes to the medical details or if I become aware of circumstances which raise concerns as to the safety of the student named participating in this program. The student named has consulted me about their involvement in the VET program. I have read the relevant information about the program and I understand the commitment required by the student named and agree to their participation. I agree to pay for costs of materials (if relevant) used as specified in the course details outlined by the training provider if required.
Photo/Video Authorisation
for photographic, video, audio or any other form of electronic recording of the named student to be used by the Department of Education and Wimmera Southern Mallee LLEN in the promotion or publicity of VET.
I give permission
I DO NOT give permission
Name of Parent/Guardian Consenting to Enrolment
Parent/Guardian Signature
I hereby declare that I have read and understood all parts of this application form and the Student Code of Conduct. I provide consent for the student named to be enrolled and for all related personal information (including medical information) to be provided to third party providers necessary for VET operations such as the nominated Registered Training Organisation and specific course Teacher.